Dinosaurs on the Internet
Interested in dinosaurs? Who isn't? Here is some of our favorite dinosaur information available on the Internet.
Alberta Dinosaur Provincial Park
, in Alberta, Canada, has lots of information on the dinosaur bones they've discovered.
Journey to the End of the Dinosaur Era: A Society Expedition to Belize
describes a new theory of why the dinosaurs became extinct.
The University of Michigan has information and pictures about
, one of the skeletons you can get from DinoWorks.
Scientific American
simulation of a dinosaur's roar
Dino Russ's Lair
, a collection of dinosaur and vertebrate paleontology information
Yahoo's list of dinosaur sites
to the DinoWorks home page.
DinoWorks: life-sized, hand-crafted dinosaur skeleton models
(781) 863-9571
101 Maple Street, Lexington, MA 02173
Last updated November 10, 2000.
Coypright 1996-2000 Ben Soule.