DinoWorks' Deinonychus Skeleton

The Deinonychus was a ferocious creature living between 100 and 115 million years ago who terrorized all who came in contact with it. Deinonychus (die-NON-i-cus) means "terrible claw." Like its cousin Velociraptor, its most noticeable features are its rows of backward-pointing teeth, its long stiff tail, and most of all, its oversized sickle-shaped claws on each foot, from which it takes its name. These, combined with unusual intelligence, made it pound-for-pound the most fearsome non-human creature ever to walk on two feet.

You can read more about Deinonychus at the University of Michigan's page -- they even have pictures! Deinonychus stands 52 inches high and is an incredible 126 inches long -- larger than any other commercially available dinosaur model! It weighs 11 lbs. and consists of 46 hand-built pieces and a base, as well as all instructional materials and teacher's activity guide.

Click here for a larger picture of the skeleton.

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DinoWorks: life-sized, hand-crafted dinosaur skeleton models
DinoWorks, debandben@rcn.com
(781) 863-9571
101 Maple Street, Lexington, MA 02173
Last updated November 10, 2000.
Coypright 1996-2000 Ben Soule.